Various sugar substitutes for diabetes

Various sugar substitutes for diabetes

The most frequent question about diabetes is whether diabetics can still consume sugar. Basically, being diagnosed with diabetes does not mean you should not enjoy sweet foods and drinks at all. You can, but limit the amount so you don't miss other important nutrients your body needs. Moreover, there are now many special sweeteners substituting sugar substitutes for diabetes. You can choose the one that best suits the needs and tastes of your tongue.

Pure sugar from sugar cane such as white sugar and brown sugar is absorbed very quickly by the body. As a result, consuming too much cane sugar can increase glucose levels in your blood. To control blood sugar levels, you need to control your sugar intake.

As an alternative, people who have or are at risk of diabetes can choose artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners are processed in such a way by chemical manipulation that their calorie and carbohydrate levels are very low or even zero. Therefore, artificial sweeteners will not cause a drastic increase in blood sugar or overweight such as cane sugar. That way, diabetics can still eat sweet foods and drinks with minimal risk.

Various sugar substitutes for diabetes

There are various types of sugar substitutes for diabetes. The reason is, different artificial sweetener products, also different properties and ingredients. You need to look at the types of artificial sweeteners offered on the market. Check out the complete information below.

1. Sucralosa

Sucralosa is a type of artificial sweetener that tastes roughly 600 times sweeter than ordinary sugar. However, don't worry because there is very little content of sucralose that your body will absorb. The calories are also so low that artificial sweeteners are called non-nutritive. Sucralosa is easy to get because many already produce this artificial sweetener, for example Tropicana Slim.

2. Saccharin

Saccharin is a pioneer of artificial sweeteners that have been known since a century ago. This artificial sweetener tastes 300-500 times sweeter than ordinary sugar. It should be noted, recently began many studies that reveal that consuming saccharin can cause side effects that are overweight. However, so far the use of saccharin in a reasonable dose is still permitted by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency.

3. Stevia

Stevia is a newcomer to the sugar substitute group for diabetes. This artificial sweetener is extracted from stevia plants which grow in tropical and subtropical countries, one of which is Indonesia. So, do not be surprised if you can find a variety of sweetener products from stevia. Stevia sweetener is free of calories and sugar so it is safe for diabetics.

4. Aspartame

Aspartame artificial sweetener, the calories are very low and free of sugar. However, it tastes 200 times sweeter than ordinary sugar. However, BPOM reminds people who suffer from or are at risk of diabetes do not consume excessive aspartame. You should keep your consumption of artificial sweeteners in a limited amount, which is 50 milligrams per kilogram of your body weight. This means that if you weigh 50 kilograms, you are not recommended to consume more than 2,500 milligrams or 2.5 grams of aspartame in a day.

5. Asesulfam potassium

One type of artificial sweetener that is often added to food and beverage products is potassium acesulfam. You should not consume Asesulfam potassium more than 15 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. If you weigh 50 kilograms, avoid consuming more than 750 milligrams of this artificial sweetener per day.

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