5 Early Warning Signs of Diabetes are Often Ignored

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay
Diabetes is a disease in which the body cannot produce blood sugar regulating hormone, or better known as insulin. Diabetes is often called the silent killer because the symptoms are often not realized by the sufferer.

Maintaining blood sugar levels so that in normal numbers is very important. Blood sugar that is too low (hypoglycemia) or high (hyperglycemia) can have a negative impact on your body. If your blood sugar is below 70 mg / dL then you have hypoglycemia. You are said to have hyperglycemia if your blood sugar level is more than 200 mg / dL.

The best way to find out if you have diabetes or not is to do a blood sugar test. To find out normal blood sugar levels, a blood sugar test can be done at the hospital, or if you want to be practical you can buy a blood sugar test kit that can be used at home. However, to monitor blood sugar levels for the last 2 to 3 months, a hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) test is needed in the laboratory. We recommend consulting a doctor to find out the type of blood test needed.

In addition to the blood sugar test, the human body is actually designed to give an early warning if abnormal blood sugar levels occur, but for most people it is often ignored. Here are 5 Early Warning Signs of Diabetes are often ignored by many people.

1. Excessive hunger

5 Early Warning Signs of Diabetes are Often Ignored
Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay
Excessive hunger is another sign of diabetes. This occurs because blood sugar levels are high but cannot enter cells for use in metabolic processes.

When blood sugar levels cannot enter the cells, the body thinks it has not yet received food intake so it sends hunger signals to get more glucose so the cells can function.

2. Frequent urination and excessive thirst

5 Early Warning Signs of Diabetes are Often Ignored
Image by Hunny Taneja from Pixabay
Do you urinate often, even you have to get up at night many times to go to the bathroom? If so, this can be a symptom of diabetes.

The kidneys function to get rid of all the extra glucose in the blood, by filtering more blood fluid. This will make you often want to pee at night. Because of frequent urination, the body will respond to replace the lost fluid with excessive thirst symptoms.

3. Skin problems

5 Early Warning Signs of Diabetes are Often Ignored
Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay
Itchy skin, the result of dry skin or poor circulation from blood vessels, can be a warning sign of diabetes. Another example is acanthosis nigricans which is darkening of the skin around the neck or armpit.

4. Slow wound healing

5 Early Warning Signs of Diabetes are Often Ignored
Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay
Infection, wounds, and bruises that heal are another classic sign of diabetes. This usually happens because blood vessels are damaged by excessive glucose levels. This condition makes it difficult for blood to reach areas of the injured body. In addition, the risk of infection in wounds increases due to high blood sugar levels.

5. Decreased weight

5 Early Warning Signs of Diabetes are Often Ignored
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
High blood sugar levels can cause rapid weight loss, for example five to ten kg for two or three months. But this is not a healthy weight loss. Why is that?

Because the hormone insulin cannot enter glucose into cells for use as energy, the body begins to use protein from muscles as an alternative source of energy making. The kidneys also work hard to eliminate excess sugar, and cause loss of calories which can harm the kidneys.

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