7 Important Nutrition Needed by Diabetics

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Vitamins and minerals are micronutrients needed by the body. Although these nutrients are needed in smaller amounts than macro nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats), these substances are needed very important for the body's balance, including those related to blood sugar.

In addition to containing blood sugar, diabetics need to pay attention to the type of food consumed, so that nutritional needs are met every day. This needs to be done because diabetics are more susceptible to lack of essential nutrients than healthy people.

The following are 7 Important Nutrition Needed by Diabetics

1. Vitamin C

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Vitamin C is one of the water-soluble vitamins that is important for regulating blood sugar levels. From various studies found that vitamin C levels in diabetics, especially in obese patients, tend to be lower. In fact, the adequacy of vitamins which are also antioxidants is important to burn the pile. Vitamin C itself also has a role in controlling blood sugar levels and the amount of cholesterol in diabetics.

Vitamin C is a vitamin that is easily obtained. Vitamin C is a vitamin that is not produced by the human body. To get it naturally, you can consume fruits and vegetables or you can buy vitamin C supplements at the nearest pharmacy. Fruits and vegetables such as oranges, red guava, strawberries, potatoes, and tomatoes can be a good source of vitamin C.

2. Vitamin D

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Vitamin D is also known as calciferol. There are two active forms of this vitamin, namely vitamin D2 (ercalcitriol) and vitamin D3 (calcitriol).

The results of various studies indicate that low vitamin D levels increase the risk of diabetes. Having enough vitamin D levels will help the body increase insulin production and make its performance more effective. So that in the end the control of blood sugar is more optimal.

Vitamin D also plays a role in maintaining bone health, by helping the absorption of calcium in the digestive tract.
Vitamin D is the only type of vitamin produced by the body. Vitamin D can also be obtained from foods such as milk, shrimp, tuna, salmon, beef liver, cheese and eggs.

3. Vitamin E

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Vitamin E is a type of fat-soluble vitamin that has an antioxidant effect. Vitamin E is important for the function and development of the body. This drug also has an important effect on the strength of the immune system, cell growth, eye health, and skin health.

For diabetics, vitamin E can prevent diabetes complications, such as heart disease, kidney disease and eye damage. You can get it naturally from green vegetables, vegetable oils, nuts, red peppers, avocados, mangoes and kiwi. If using supplements, consult your daily dose of supplement consumption with your doctor.

4. Vitamin B7 / Biotin

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Biotin is a vitamin that is included in the group of vitamin B complex, known as vitamin H or B7. This vitamin is water soluble so it cannot be stored in the body for a long time. So, you need enough biotin intake so that you don't lack it.

Vitamin B7 or biotin, is an important substance that strengthens the work of insulin in processing blood sugar as a source of energy. Biotin deficiency will greatly affect the management of blood sugar levels in diabetics. Sources of this vitamin are whole cereals, tubers, beans, eggs, milk, yogurt, and chicken meat.

5. Magnesium

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Similar to biotin, magnesium plays a role in carbohydrate metabolism, so insulin works more effectively. And as with zinc minerals, magnesium levels in diabetics tend to be low because they are excreted in urine when blood sugar levels are high.

To meet magnesium needs, consume green vegetables such as spinach and kale, brown rice, beans, avocados, bananas, and dairy products such as yogurt and cheese.

6. Zinc

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Zinc mineral is useful in helping the production and release of insulin. In diabetics, levels are low because zinc is excreted in urine when blood sugar levels are high. The natural sources of this mineral are oysters, red meat, chicken, nuts and cereals, and dairy products.

7. Chromium

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Chromium is one of the minerals needed by the body. Chromium is needed to maintain normal blood sugar metabolism. Chromium deficiency causes impaired glucose tolerance. Chromium can increase insulin action, increase blood glucose uptake into cells, and normalize blood sugar levels.

Chromium plays a role in reducing blood sugar levels and insulin resistance, lowering blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and increasing good cholesterol (HDL).

Naturally, chromium is present in grains, brown rice, beans, red meat, fish, mushrooms, beef liver, broccoli, corn, potatoes, eggs and milk products.

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