8 Foods and Drinks that Diabetes Patients Should Avoid

Diabetes is one of the most dangerous diseases that is feared by many people in the world. Diabetes can be an entry point for many other types of chronic diseases. When a person has diabetes and does not control it properly, it can cause serious complications such as heart disease, kidney disease, blindness and other dangerous diseases.

Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by blood sugar levels that are above normal. Having normal blood sugar levels in the body is very important because it can support the body's performance and keep you healthy. The range of normal blood sugar levels in the body before eating is around 70-130 mg / dL, two hours after eating: less than 140 mg / dL. After not eating for at least eight hours: less than 100 mg / dL. At bedtime: 100-140 mg / dL.

Diabetes cannot be cured. However, changes in a healthier diet can help control blood sugar levels remain stable. Generally, diabetes occurs due to unhealthy lifestyles, such as rarely exercising, lack of sleep, smoking and also consumption of sweet foods are also one of the main causes.

During this time people eat without thinking about nutrition or the effects of what is eaten. As long as you're full, eating anything doesn't matter. However, this will not apply to diabetics. For diabetics, choosing food intake is very important.

Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are macronutrients that give your body energy. This nutrient is needed by the body every day. But in people with certain conditions need to limit the percentage of intake of each of these nutrients. Especially for diabetics, it must limit the source of energy derived from carbohydrates.

If diabetics consume too many carbohydrates at once, their blood sugar levels can rise to very high levels. Over time, high blood sugar can damage your nerves and blood vessels, which has the potential for heart disease, kidney disease and other serious health conditions.

An unhealthy diet can quickly increase blood sugar levels, especially if the food you eat is high in calories from carbohydrates and simple sugars. Not only triggers diabetes, apparently a series of foods can also worsen the condition of people with diabetes. For that, the following 8 Foods to Avoid Diabetes Patients

1. Foods high in carbohydrates

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White bread, rice and pasta are types of foods with high carbohydrates but minimal in fiber. Eating these foods has been shown to significantly increase blood sugar levels in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. A study revealed that foods containing high carbohydrates not only increase blood sugar but also reduce brain and mental function in people with type 2 diabetes.

So that blood sugar does not rise dramatically, you can replace white rice with brown rice, corn, or sweet potatoes. You can also replace white bread and flour paste with healthier wheat bread or whole wheat pasta.

2. Saturated fat-rich foods

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Saturated fats are mostly found in margarine, jam, creamer and fried foods. Food manufacturers often add it to biscuits, muffins (sweet breads, spoons) and other baked foods to extend their life to make them last longer.

Although it does not directly raise blood sugar, saturated fat can trigger insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. Saturated fats also increase the risk of damage to blood vessels and reduce good HDL.

Some foods rich in saturated fats are packaged potato chips, french fries, and fried foods. The combination of cooking oil and high carbohydrates from potatoes is what can increase blood sugar levels.

3. Dried Fruit

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Although rich in nutrients, consuming raisins or other dried fruit will cause a spike in blood sugar. The glucose content contained in it will accumulate and will ultimately make the condition of diabetics worse.

When the fruit is dried, the process results in a loss of water which causes a higher concentration of nutrients. Unfortunately, the sugar content also becomes more concentrated. One cup of wine contains 27 grams of carbohydrates, including 1 gram of fiber. In contrast, one cup of raisins contains 115 grams of carbohydrates, 5 of which come from fiber. Therefore, raisins contain three times more carbohydrates than those produced by grapes. Other types of dried fruit are also higher in carbohydrates when compared to fresh fruit.

If you suffer from diabetes, that does not mean you should not eat fruit at all. Choose low-sugar fruits such as fresh berries or small apples that can still provide health benefits while maintaining your blood sugar in normal amounts.

4. Sweet Drinks

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Sweet drinks are full of carbohydrates and fructose which are related to insulin resistance and diabetes. Studies reveal, drinking sweet drinks can increase the risk of diabetes. The risk of swollen liver can lurk diabetics if they do not pay attention to this.

High levels of fructose in sugary drinks can cause metabolic changes that increase belly fat, cholesterol and triglyceride levels (a type of fat carried in the bloodstream) that are potentially harmful.

5. Yogurt

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Yogurt is usually made from non-fat or low-fat milk and is loaded with carbohydrates and sugar. One cup of yogurt (245 grams) contains 47 grams of sugar, which means that almost 81% of calories come from sugar.

Many people consider frozen yogurt as a healthy alternative to ice cream. However, yogurt actually contains more sugar than ice cream. Instead of choosing yogurt with high sugar levels that can make your blood sugar and insulin soar, choose milk yogurt that does not contain sugar and is beneficial for increasing appetite, controlling weight and good for your intestinal health.

6. Coffee

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For most people drinking coffee has become an obligation every day, even each person has a different type of favorite coffee. Whereas, in its own health review coffee has been linked to several health benefits, including reduced risk of diabetes.

But wait, coffee should be seen only as a dessert drink, or an additional snack to accompany food. Especially for coffee with a variety of tastes, which contain a lot of sugar, this type of coffee is not a healthy drink. Coffee drinks with lots of flavor are also loaded with carbohydrates that contain your blood sugar levels. Not surprisingly, contemporary coffee can also be taboo for diabetics.

If you are a fan of coffee, it's better to consume black coffee or espresso without any sweetening.

7. Soft drinks and packaged drinks

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One of the restrictions that must be avoided by people with diabetes is soft drinks. Although refreshing, unfortunately this drink is high in added sugar which can dramatically increase blood sugar.

In addition to soft drinks, a number of other packaged drinks that are widely sold in the market also often have added sugar. Even drinks that sound healthy, like chocolate milk and bottled juices.

Soft drinks can generally contain 38 grams of sugar per 350 ml. While sweet drinks with fruit flavors usually use fructose sweeteners which can trigger insulin resistance if consumed in large quantities and for long periods. This effect will be particularly noticeable in people with diabetes.

In order to find out how much sugar is contained in your drink, you should carefully carefully label the nutritional value information on the packaging. However, be careful. If you don't find the word "sugar" on the label, it doesn't mean the product is free of sugar.

The reason is, there are various other names of sugar added to food products, so it often outwits you as a buyer. Sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup, agave syrup, maple syrup, dextrose, glucose, malt syrup, maltose, galactose are some other names of sugar that are often added to food products and beverage packaging.

8. Honey

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You might think that honey is a good natural sweetener for diabetes. In fact, although honey is often used as a substitute for sugar, honey is actually included in the diabetic dietary list. Because honey is still equally high in sugar. In fact, the total carbohydrates of this alternative sweetener can be much higher.

For example, one tablespoon of white sugar has 12.6 grams of glucose, but it turns out honey glucose levels of 17 grams. Therefore, reducing the consumption of sweeteners will be more effective than replacing sugar with honey.

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